Middle East: We were so blessed to hang out today with such a crowd of self-sacrificing, hungry-for-Jesus, local young people. The highlight was getting onto the subway late tonight. God led me to move up two cars to get on, and find the young man right in front of us reading the New Testament. I have never seen this before. This is a town of 115 kms of subway and 30 million people. I said to the young man, “Jesus is alive and He arranged this meeting.” Pure joy.
Albania: At a summer camp with students aged 14 – 18, Julie tells us that nine children opened their hearts to Jesus. Seven children who made that decision last year were baptized. Several couples from the church followed a discipleship course at the same time. Now the second camp has started with students aged 18 – 30. This camp also offers a program for couples and families who don’t normally attend church. Julie will be running simultaneously a program for their children.
Middle East: We had a lively fun chat with a friendly guy but didn’t touch on anything deep or meaningful. On the way back to the hotel I was sad because chances are he has never met a believer before and he might not again. The next day, we were at the other end of the city and saw him sitting with a friend in a coffee shop! We sat down with him and the topic of faith quickly opened up. We shared with him why we believe in and follow Jesus. Seeing God move is amazing.
Canada: S, a new worker preparing to leave for overseas service, experienced the privilege of cabin leading at a weeklong camp this summer, run for First Nations children in Northern Manitoba. There were around 40 children, the majority coming from difficult home situations. S says “The highlight for me was just to be allowed to be a part of their lives, hear their stories and love them”. I am excited to see how Christ continues to be increasingly glorified among the Cree people.
Zimbabwe: Sipho and Amanda Moyo: “Two weekends ago we had a training camp at the farm for the short term missions’ candidates. We had 13 to begin with and have now dropped to 6. Some do not have documents yet to travel. Passports are no longer being issued due to no money for the paper needed.” By faith, these outreach trips for Zimbabwean youth, geared to motivate them for missions, will begin mid-July.