I recently returned from a vision trip to a country in Asia to discern if God may be leading me there long term. While only in the country a month, I felt I connected well with the small team serving there and I look forward to joining them in the future. They included me in their daily activities, such as grocery shopping, running errands, meeting with old friends, and looking to make new friends. Due to the country’s rules about religions, spiritual work is typically informal and relational. I was frequently blessed by the hospitality of the women in this culture although they don’t often go outside. You can meet with them in the cool of the evening in the parks. On visiting a local worship site, we encountered a couple of local women who spoke English. I made small talk with one of them and she asked about my education. I felt awkward but told her about studying the Bible in college. To my surprise her face lit up and she told me she wanted to read the Bible too and gave me a high five. She had just learned to read in her own language. We pointed her to an online version of the Bible in her language which made her very happy. Pray that she would meet Jesus as she reads about Him. This interaction felt like a gift from God to me – triggered by something as simple as my education. Back in Canada, I’m praying I will hear and obey God’s leading for the future. I want to live a life worthy of the message I want to share, wherever I am.
Vision Trip with a Gift from God