Seed Brings Fruit in God’s Time

We have some new believers who have recently joined our young adults’ group. I had a chance to chat with them one day and was surprised to learn that neither of them are actually new to Jesus, only new to church! One girl, 19, had found God on her own in her room as a 12-year-old, and learned about Christianity online. She grew somewhat in her faith with online connections but was excited to turn 18 so she could be free to finally connect with a church body and get baptized. The other, a young man, had been seeking for years after visiting our church for a special event back in 2019, but it was only recently that he decided that he wanted to give his life fully to Jesus. I have been hearing similar stories from around the country, where seeds that have been sown a long time ago are finally ready to be harvested. Stories of people who have had New Testaments just sitting on shelves for years finally noticing and reading them, or people wondering about Christianity for a long time but are now seeking out a church to learn more. It feels like we are in a new season.

from a worker in the Middle East

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