An Adult Missionary Kid in Canada Prepares for Full Time Service

“I’ve been meeting a large number of Afghans here, as well as other random people.”

“Every day I go out and wander, looking for people who are open to talk to me. It’s not very fun or exciting most days. Often I wonder what the point is and if it’s really worth anything at all. Often I get tired of taking the initiative to talk to strangers and kind of worn out by the social effort of it. Then every so often the Lord in His grace puts just the right person in my path and it all becomes worthwhile and I get so encouraged by the reminder that He is with me.

For example, one day I was feeling discouraged because I had been having a lot of nice little social visits with people, perhaps praying for them, perhaps mentioning Jesus or inviting them to church, but I hadn’t really shared the Gospel much with anyone. So I walked into the mall and sat down with a young man in the food court. We started chatting, and when he asked me what I did, I told him that I was there to talk to people about Jesus. He said, “I’m really interested in that! I’m the student body president at high school, I’ve been to Alpha twice and I really want to go to youth group, but I don’t really know much.” I asked him what he did know, and he said he had heard of the creation of the world in 7 days. I asked him if he had heard of the Fall, and he said, “No, what’s that?” So I started there and explained the whole gospel to him. I then gave him a gospel of John. He was so grateful and said “Thank you so much for stopping and talking with me!” I came back and found him at work a week later (he only works once a week.) When I asked how he was doing, he said he was doing well, and that he had also been telling his friends the message that I had told him! So I was encouraged that he was already an evangelist, even though I don’t think he’s put his trust in Jesus for himself yet.”

Pray for this worker to obtain a visa to a country and a people where the Gospel is not known.

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