Giving options

Directly through WEC for one-time gifts

a. E-transfer. You can e-transfer to Be sure to include the person/s or project you wish to support in the message box as well as your address for the receipt which will be sent to you in the mail.

b. Credit Card by phone direct to WEC at 905-529-0166. The amount charged by the credit card company will be deducted from the gift (approx. 2.5%).

c. A cheque can be sent to our office. The cheque should be made out to WEC International with a separate note indicating the missionary/ project you wish to support. Please do not use the memo line on the cheque.

Directly through WEC for monthly gifts

a. From your credit card (fees apply @ 2.5%) or

b. your bank account (no deductions)

Please fill out this form. Print and send in by mail or email, signature required. Pre-authorized form link

Online via

Use the form below, and follow the prompts carefully.

The amount charged by CanadaHelps will be deducted from the gift (approx. 2.9%). They have one time and monthly options. There is a 1-2 week delay in receiving funds.

Further Information

How funds are used

WEC International (Worldwide Evangelization for Christ) is a member of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.

All accounts are reviewed periodically by our Board of Directors and are audited by an external professional accountant appointed by the Board. The audited annual financial statement is available upon request.
Spending of funds in confined to programs and projects approved by the organization. Each restricted contribution donated toward such an approved program or project will be used as restricted by the donor with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most.

No fees are deducted for administration or sending base expenses. We trust the Lord to supply for all out sending base expenses just as we trust Him for our overseas expenses.

We respect personal privacy and will only hold information necessary for our records. We do not disclose this information to others.

If you have further questions about the financial policy of WEC International or about the financial situation of any WEC worker, please contact the Treasurer at our Canadian headquarters

Further to authorization (how to cancel PAD agreement)

I may revoke my authorization at any time, subject to providing notice of 10 days. To obtain a sample cancellation form, or for more information on my right to cancel PAD agreement, I may contact my financial institution or visit

WEC International
37 Aberdeen Ave.
Hamilton Ont.
L8P 2N6
Further contact information

I have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, I have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with the PAD agreement. To obtain more information on recourse rights, I may contact my financial institution or visit

Please keep a copy of the above for your reference.

Frequently Asked Questions
I am interested in mission but can not go myself. How can I help?

There are many like you! Giving of your time, talents and resources is a way of being involved. If you want to give financially, you can support ministries.

How might my money be used when I support a WEC missionary?

Doing ministry can be expensive! A new worker, for example, has airfares, initial set-up costs, language lessons, as well as basic food and rent. These are just a few areas where support is needed.

I would like my gift to have more direct link to evangelistic outreach to establishing the local church. Is this possible?

Yes! Your gift can help provide teaching resources, medical supplies, building materials or funding for vocational training centers. These are a few of the many ways we reach out with the gospel.

If I give a one time gift, does that mean I will be inundated with literature pleading for funds?

No! You’ll be pleased to know that WEC International has a policy of not soliciting for funds.  We are a faith mission- that means trusting God to supply for our needs. We only share out needs if the people who want to partner with us ask for information.

How much of my financial gift will be deducted for administrative costs?

More good news! None! All donations will be forwarded without any deductions. Just one qualification: if you donate by credit card, the charges we incur from the credit card company will be deducted from the missionary’s gift. These charges are normally less than 4%.

Does WEC International issue tax deductible receipts?

Yes, we issue tax deductible receipts for all contributions except personal gifts such as for Christmas or birthdays.  Receipts are issued with each contribution except for pre-authorized donations, for which one receipt is issued at the end of the calendar year. We also issue acknowledgements to churches or other charities who forward money through us.

If you send your gift through CanadaHelps, CanadaHelps issue your tax deductible receipt.

Please note that while WEC has co-laborers from many countries, we are only authorized to issue a tax-deductible receipt for donations to workers or projects under the administration of our Canadian office. 

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