After doing training and candidate orientation with us, it can sometimes take new workers a while to get to their field of service. Here is what one couple who are hoping to move later this year have been doing recently:
Although I was able to finish my one-year Bible certificate and release a new album of music called “One Thing”, we are both very thankful for the relationships we’ve been able to form with many Muslim people in Canada. They come from different nations and now live in our city. We enjoy meeting with international students on campuses or at organized student dinners, as well as with Muslims at interfaith dialogue events. It’s great to make new connections at these events and meet with people one-on-one to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. On one occasion, we were invited to the wedding of a friend from Nepal. Another time, at an Afghani event in a park in our city, my husband played the Afghani national anthem on his violin. Some women were sobbing while the children sang along loudly. On another day, we had good conversations with people at a Muslim festival in a nearby city. There is always a lot to do in the Kingdom of God no matter where we are living.
A couple in Canada