“If you think you have come to the mission field because you are a little better than others, or as the cream of your church, or because of your medical degree, or for the service you can render the African church, or even for the souls you may see saved, you will fail. Remember, the Lord has only one purpose ultimately for each one of us, to make us more like Jesus. He is interested in your relationship with Himself. Let Him take you and mould you as He will; all the rest will take its rightful place.”
Helen Roseveare
Are You Ready?
Whether your future is in cross-cultural missions or something else, what really matters is that you are following God’s leading.
Perhaps you’re thinking about a future in missions. Many questions come to mind. Would I make a good missionary? Are there qualifications I need? What’s the application process? Or perhaps you’re interested, but don’t even know where to begin to find out if this is right for you?
There are two separate issues here. The first is whether heading down the path towards cross-cultural missions is what God wants you to do. For some people, there are issues that make it clearly the wrong choice. But even for those ideally suited and situated for the task, it may still not be what God has for you now.
Is WEC Right for You?
“God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him.”
Hudson Taylor
Even if everything is “go” to becoming a missionary, there remains the issue of which group to go with. Each agency has its own style, flavour, way of doing things. If you have significantly different convictions than the group you’re with, the extra stress and friction will hamper both your ministry, and that of your team. Doing your homework now can save a lot of grief later.
In the menu above are some links intended to help you sort things out. We can’t provide the answers, but we can help by making sure the important questions get asked. Whether your future is in cross-cultural missions or something else, what really matters is that you are following God’s leading. May He grant you wisdom and an open heart.
Steps to Joining
“Our Goal is to help you get where God wants you to be.”
Talk to us!
You don’t have to be sure about missions, sure about WEC, sure about anything to start talking to us. Helping people sort through their future is part of what we do. Our goal is to help you get where God wants you to be, whether that’s in missions or elsewhere, within WEC or elsewhere. Feel free to contact us just to explore possibilities, or to talk things through with someone who has years of firsthand missionary experience. If you are looking to do an internship, we might be able to help.
Contacting us starts a dialogue. We start to learn something about you, your background, your interests, and you learn more about us. You are in complete control of the process and can walk away at any time and never hear from us again. No pressure.
If God is moving your heart in the direction of service with WEC, talk to us. It only takes a few minutes to start a dialogue. Contact us.
“Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
There are such a variety in so many places and we cannot list most of them. For instance, the unreached people groups of the world all need people that will humbly go there, get to know the people, share the gospel and disciple new believers. If that is your calling we can suggest places and if you have a place in mind, we can let you know if we have people there. We also have other more specific needs, short and long term. In Canada we have specific needs at headquarters.
Whatever your calling job/location is, contact us to see if we can work with you, if we can’t we’ll try to find another agency for you to talk to.
We make every effort to accommodate disabilities. If needed, we will provide customized workplace emergency information and procedures and in performance management, career development and redeployment processes, we take into account accessibility needs.
Long Term
WEC has many opportunities for those who want to serve long term. If you have specific areas you are interested in hearing more about or are wondering how you can use your skills, please contact us. You can also look on our opportunities database. The database is not exhaustive but lists some of the roles that we are actively looking to fill.
For some opportunities in more accessible countries, follow this link. If you want to work in less open countries, contact us!
Short Term (Anything up to 2 years)
You may be wanting to see what missions is about, or to spend a gap year in missions, etc. Many places in WEC will take people for a short term placement. Short term missions looks a bit different than long term and you will often be placed into one ministry or project. We will look at your interests, skills and hobbies and see if we can find a good fit for you. If you are interested in a particular area of the world we will try to match you with a team that is working there.
If you cannot go overseas but still want to be involved in more ways we are often looking for people who can volunteer some time in Canada. Can you take or edit videos, do web design, cook, mow lawns or paint? There may be very practical ways you can help us. Please contact us if you would like to volunteer and we will work together to find out how you can help.

For opportunities in more accessible countries, click here. If you want to work in less open countries, contact us!