Stories that Make Me Smile

The following stories are from workers in various countries of Asia.

Office conversation: “But if my wife exercises, she will be easier to steal!” is an argument that one
of our male staff has against me starting up a fitness class. I guess if your wife is difficult to carry, she
is more likely to remain with you!!

When I arrived in the capital last week I walked by a market and was surprised to see my favourite
cereal, Reese Puffs, which is very rarely available here. I asked the cashier how much it was and he
said, “Twenty dollars”, crazy expensive. As I was returning the box to the shelf the owner said, “Let’s go
into the back and have a bowl together and it’s on me.” I said no, but he insisted so we sat down and
had a nice bowl together. He gave me the rest of the cereal along with the milk as a gift. But ya, we
got to talk about Jesus, and he heard the good news. He’s from an unreached area of the country.

We hosted all of our neighbours and their kids for my birthday party. I made cupcakes and we
ordered in food. Not counting our family, we think there were 19 adults and 12 kids. While the kids
zipped around on scooters the adults presented gifts. I received three Happy Birthday mugs, two
notebooks, a bottle of wine, a package of medicine, one single flower, sixteen chiffon scarves, an empty
flower vase, a package of stick-on dots and two national flags. We praise the Lord for such beautiful
connections and trust with our neighbours. We are grateful to live here.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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