I went on a few trips to other parts of the country this summer. I met up with people who have recently come to the Lord. In a city of over a million people, along with several local believers, we met people who had ordered Bibles online. One man we met had read the Bible and wanted to become a Christian, but he was unable to forgive his family because of some issues. After my believing friend and I talked with him for a few hours he forgave them and received Christ. It was a miracle. Another two guys we met had read the Bible, believed it, and wanted to know what to do next. I’m thankful to say these people came to know Jesus. We introduced them to a few local believers.
I enjoyed having my parents come for a visit. I took them to many places. It was amazing to spend time in villages and to meet local people. I’ve met villagers in past trips, so it was nice to take my parents to enjoy hospitality in their homes. In one of the villages my friend showed us his many sheep. We used to raise sheep in Canada, so it was very interesting for my parents to see. At one village we drove through I asked some people about a castle and churches somewhere in another village. They told us how to get there. This led to a good conversation about what is the church and the Bible. When we arrived in the designated village, we asked a farmer where the old church was. It happened to be in a farmer’s backyard. There were many crosses on the walls and on stones that have fallen over. It was great to be invited to the farmers home and to meet his family. While drinking tea he explained to us that the four points on the cross etched in the stones stands for the four great religions. I was happy to explain to him what the cross and gospel actually mean. We were the first Christians he had ever met.
We also met my new believer’s family and relatives. They invited us to stay for dinner. My friend has not fully shared with his family that he is a believer. He says he will be divorced and kicked out of the family. Pray for boldness. Thankfully after we left, he said that it was the first time his family had met Christians and after spending time with my parents, their perspective of Christians was so much better.
Visiting Parents Share in Outreach